Safe, Clean and Sterile Ear Piercing

Have the reassurance of a doctor’s office and a physician’s follow up to ensure your piercing heals safely and beautifully. We use the Blomdahl System with medical grade plastic which allows us to be sure of no possible allergic reactions. Our sterile method is hygienic and safe. You can even opt for numbing cream to be applied beforehand!

The green-marked areas are the best to pierce with the Blomdahl method.

The backs of our piercing studs are fixed at the end, allowing both plenty of air to circulate to aid healing, as well as the security of knowing they will stay put for those 6 weeks!

Our piercing studs are unique in that they are wider than typical earrings; this allows the delicate healing skin to avoid trauma even when you are ready to switch out earrings.

Did you know that blood donation centers require you to wait 3 months after a piercing to donate again? UNLESS you get your piercing done at a physician’s office, since the risk of a blood borne pathogen like hepatitis or HIV is SO low when done by a doctor.


HDPC members:

Double piercing: $97

Single piercing: $47


Double piercing: $148

Single piercing: $97

Includes after-care kit, follow up emails, instructions, and numbing cream (if desired)

See one of our lovely patients get her ears pierced for the first time. What an exciting day!